Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Life Vests 4!


Hello! Thankyou for your interest! 
Here's a LifeVest I made using all sorts of vintage and some new fabrics. Yes,there's silk that I hand-dyed along with curtain fabric from the 50s (top of sleeve)
This vest is also lined

 This one was made by using my hand-dyed chiffon silk scarves and a treasure of a scarf that I found in my Mom's dresser draw!  The vest edges are binded with pink silk taffetta

This right here is the first LifeVest I made for myself.  It's a combination of favorite silk scarves Ive been collecting in my studio for some time. On the back is some commercially bought fabric. I also bound the edges of this vest with pink taffeta silk.

Any questions? write to me here or at
Thankyou! I'll be baaaack!